Indigenous Tree Nursery

Oreteti Indigenous tree nursery started small to cater for the need of Osinoni,s work of wetland restoration.There was general realization that for conservation of wetlands to be succesful,there is need to plant the right species of trees that adopted to the specific ecosystems.With that also came the fact that there are trees that are going extinct due to human activities like farming,charcoal burning etc.In this journey,a lot of research has come in including the involvement of local elders’ input in knowledge sharing.So far,the tree nursery has a capacity of 12,000 seedlings,comprising 15 species of the most endangered indigenous trees.These trees are for both wetlands and rangeland restoration as well.

Here are the trees present at the Oreteti Nursery:

1.Ficus sychamorus(“Olng’aboli” in Maasai,”Mukuu” in Ameru)

2.Raphia farinifera

3.Gardenia ternefolia

4.Bridellia micrantha

5.Acacia xythonphlea

6.Warbugia ugandensis

7.Salvadora persica

8.Acacia senegal

9.Acacia tortilis

10.Acacia meliffera

11.Acacia Nilotica

12.Terminalia brownii

13.Newtonia bucanii
